Good as Gold, I am, Dad, I swear!

After a longish vacation, it’s hard to know where to start.  Looking back, I see that I was pretty ticked at the Boston Bombers (is that an old name for the Red Sox? Or am I thinking of Brooklyn?) The West, TX explosion, so very close to Baylor, also was a cause for much dismay; I suppose a day trip to a battleship didn’t mitigate the stridency of my views.  But it does make me recall when Rev. T.D. Jakes (I think) was called in to meet with the major of NYC about the Black Panthers, who were threatening to shut the whole city down with terrorism.  Pastor Jakes asked for an estimate of how large this group was estimated to be, and was told that it included maybe 80 people.  “You mean to tell me only 80 people can bring NYC to its knees?!”  Point being, that it does not take anything near a majority to get people fearing for their very lives.  It is also true that 99% of what we worry about, never happens. With me it might be an even higher percentage. 

So it’s really not about the bombers and their marginally significant foreign causes. It says a whole lot more about us than about them.  America reminds me more of a hybrid of Smaug and his gold, and that other dragon, Puff.  Leapin’ Lizards, Sandy! 

We sit on top of a vast golden mountain of wealth—and the stealth removal of even so much as a bracelet sends the dragon into a towering snit. Yet, like Puff, we are, well, pushovers in the land of Hona-Denial.   It’s no wonder our allies don’t know what to make of us.  Perfectly consistent however with a spoiled, lazy, biggie-sized,  and ambivalent population whose only concern is making our wealth produce “Homeland Security” to such an extent that we will never have any privacy again—ironically, probably not even sexual!

Not that there  are no external threats. The Goths and the Visigoths (and their spiders) are more are less present day parasites that may indeed overrun us- while we become the New (and very unfit) Barrbarians. Sounds like partnership in crime; and no honor among thieves.  There is no defense against internal loss of teleos; and Veritas.

Did I mention the Keepers of the Law/s?

  Is it not so that prosperity leads to LOSS of confidence and the downfall of most empires and civilizations?  (Greece, Italy, and Egypt=  long-desperate nations who ran out of mental capital more than a millennia ago.)

As James said 2000 years ago, we value entirely the wrong things—ie golden parachutes leading to the hardened tears of the golden daughters of the Midas touch.  I think of CS Lewis’ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (book trumps movie as usual) in which there is a stream in a cave that makes solid gold of any object- or person- dipped into it. It is freeze-frame-forever with no antidote.  (But there’s some hope- a boy turns into a dragon—on a vast heap of gold—and turns back to a boy again. Thanks to Aslan!!!) Gold in the bloodstream, even tiny amounts which we used to use to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis, is a “People Poison. In small amounts it may come up to the status of a Necessry Evil.

Dragons apparently do not turn out well—possibly because they are the offspring of dinosaurs and we can’t find anymore of those, either.  Yet our land, minus both types of lizards, is in more danger than ever…we even lost our Lizard King! (James Morrison).

 Satan, that Old Reptile, can be warm-blooded when it suits him.




About The Journal of Fretting Leprosy

If they blogged I would follow Blaise Pascal, Augustine, Walker Percy, Dostoevsky, and Flannery O'Connor. Since they are all dead I save lots of time online...
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